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A Sudden Revelation

Hello, all! I have returned from a short hiatus (sp?), and have come back with a sudden revelation to share with you all this evening.

Well, actually, two revelations; the first being that it is practically impossible to get any writing done with my boyfriend around, and the second being that I am suddenly very against writing websites like figment, wattpad, and tablo... sort of. And by that I mean, I got mad and deleted all of my work in progress novels from those sites. I know you might be thinking, "wow, what a rash move!" But hear me out.

So, after my return from my vacation in Texas, where I visited my lovely boyfriend of three years and a few of his acquaintances, I found myself in yet another downward spiral of depression and despair (sp?) (and aparently spelling problems, because I can't spell worth a crap tonight). I turned to writing during those times when I wanted to be held by my love, who is currently 1300 miles away. The only problem with this is that I would look at my ratings on those writing websites, only to find that my views, stars, hearts, whatever, hadn't budged from where they were on any of my WIP novels--and all were 10 views, stars, hearts, whatever, or under. It was incredibly depressing, and I was swimming in sorrow already, so much so that it began to deter me from wanting or being able to write anything at all. I soon began to fret about these numbers and started to check them incessantly, hoping that just one would move up a view, maybe I could get a heart for The Hooded Boy, but to no avail.

And this afternoon, after checking the numbers for the billionth time, and grumbling that I hadn't written more than 79 fictional words in the past week, an epiphany came to me and smacked me across the face; it was my obsession with these very numbers, views, stars, hearts, whatever, these statistics, that was causing my writer's block. So, I left Dream Story up on those sites, as well as a few poems and a short memoir, and deleted everything else.

I kid you not, a great weight was lifted from my shoulders at that moment. I have no idea why, but I can say that I am truly relieved, and my writer's block is gone. I have already written near 1,000 words in Eggs and Bacon (I switched becuase The Hooded Boy decided to be stubborn today~SIDE PROJECT TIME!) and am feeling better already.

And now, I'm off to do some writing, because I can!


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